Support Forum

Issue with buttons


Wednesday 1st May 2024
Just recently what I was using the softwares and clicking on some buttons such as to draw a circles, or copy/paste that normally once I left-clicked there would be options showing up. For example, for copy/paste button (switching between these two), however, there is this problem recently that it showed up only the first time, and later it did not. What could be the cause? Thank you
Wednesday 1st May 2024
I think you mean the mouse help icons? Are the icon just not correctly displayed, but correctly working or are the option not available at all? In the last case I guess, you have triggered an operation that needs some time to complete. So drawing and any type of editing is not possible in that time. In this case you have usually a display in the progress status indicating that an operation is running. If you can give a more detailed example, I am happy to try to reproduce the issue on one of my system.

Thursday 2nd May 2024
(only for registered users)


Hi, It's about the icons on the user interface that normally when I clicked on it, for example on copy/paste, the options of copy icon or paste icon will show. The problem now is that it shows only the first time clicking but not after that. Some icons like Move or Drawing circle did not show any options like it used to at all. Also another issue is I have a problem with Path drawing, when I drew and wanted to end the path, I normally left-clicked, but it didnot work recently.

Thursday 2nd May 2024
(only for registered users)


Additional reference is this one (the multitool buttons)
Thursday 2nd May 2024
You refer to the multitool-buttons. In fact there was a issue with it in the past. According to my records the current release fix all of them. If it is still present on your system, please let me know which system (Linux, Mac, Windows) you are using. We will try to reproduce it on our system and fix it.

Saturday 4th May 2024
I'm using it on Windows
Saturday 4th May 2024
What Windows version is used? 10 or 11? Is the latest update of the LayoutEditor installed? I don't see this issue on one of our Windows test systems yet.