How to change all cells in a file to polygons by one action?
Tuesday 13th September 2022
Now I am going to change many cells to polygons in a file. I know the way to change a single cell to polygon but do not know how to change multiple cells at one time.
Could you tell me the way? Thank you in advance.
Jürgen LayoutEditorFull Tuesday 13th September 2022
Such tasks are usually a job for macros/scripting. Almost any task that can be done by the LayoutEditor, can also be done as via a command line. So you have full scripting features available. Once you have your script lines for the task within your cell, you just need to put a loop around it to step through all cells and you are done.
An entry of the scripting features is described [here](
Also any LayoutEditor package contains a set of example script under LayoutEditor folder/macros/examples. Also these script are a good source to learn scripting.
Wednesday 14th September 2022Attachments: (only for registered users) polygon.GDS
Thank you for your reply. I have understood the way for it.
Do we have any way to draw patterns with polygon automatically for all cases?
I have attached the test file that has two patterns of A and B.
As a result, A is not polygon but B is polygon even though I did not do anything for changing patterns to polygon when drawing.
I feel this is not regular. Do we have any way to find which patterns are polygon and not polygon without visual check?
And, if we do not use macros/scripting, should we change all patterns to polygon one by one manually in a careful way?
Thank you so much.
Jürgen LayoutEditorFull Wednesday 14th September 2022
You can create any kind of polygon with scripting. There are commands for Boolean Operations, to select touching polygons, and perform checks on the results. So there should be anything you need for your application.