Monday 9th May 2022Attachments: (only for registered users) circular.png
I'm totally noob with this software, and trying to create a circular pattern of an object (cell) around an axis with n repeats. This is a standard thing in Autodesk Inventor, but I can't find a way to create such a thing here. Any ideas?
Thanks, Yonatan.
Jürgen LayoutEditorFull Monday 9th May 2022Attachments: (only for registered users) Screenshot_20220509_141135.png
Please use the *cellarray* feature (mainmenu/draw/cellarray) and choose as type *circle*:
For a placement you used in your example *rotated* needs to be marked as well.
Monday 9th May 2022Attachments: (only for registered users) no circular.png
WOW! That's great but I don't have that option.
My version is Release 20211015. Is there a new one?
I have institutional license, do you have any idea how can I update it (I'll ask the admin)?
Thank you very very much.
Jürgen LayoutEditorFull Monday 9th May 2022
That feature was added with the last update (LayoutEditor Release 20220423). You can download it here:
Please also check whether your license is valid for this update under help/register_license. The included maintenance date must be after the release date. The maintenance can be extended if required in our online shop.
Tuesday 10th May 2022
I've updated, and it's working!!!
Really appreciate your help, thanks a lot.