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getting error while instantiating anything in layout while placing in schematic from PRIMS_LIB. Layout not coming and showing error

Sunday 18th October 2020
``` Unknown error *ERROR* While instantiating PRIMLIB/pmos5/layout CN Exception caught: dloEval.cpp(856): getFactory() - Cannot find the code implementing 'Pycells_XH035.xfab_components.xh035_v6_6_2.pmos5.pmos5Template' with id 'pkg:Pycells_XH035'. ImportError: No module named cni Unknown error *ERROR* While instantiating PRIMLIB/pmos5/layout CN Exception caught: dloEval.cpp(856): getFactory() - Cannot find the code implementing 'Pycells_XH035.xfab_components.xh035_v6_6_2.pmos5.pmos5Template' with id 'pkg:Pycells_XH035'. ImportError: No module named cni Unknown error ```
Sunday 18th October 2020
That is an error message raised by Synopsys PyCell. I guess you have installed an incorrect version of PyCell. The process xh035 uses Python 2.8. Maybe you have installed a PyCell package for Python 2.7. Please try an more recent PyCell package for Python 2.8 and OpenAccess 22.50. In case you want to used a package with OpenAccess 22.60 you need to use the latest development version of the LayoutEditor ( []( ) or wait until the next update. Another possible reason can be the installation path of the library. In the past OpenAccess was very sensitive to spaces in the file path.