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how to load xfab pdk in layouteditor

Monday 12th October 2020
Hi , I have copied the tar file from xfab parallel to layouteditor folder. But not able to find path in utilities/technology/xfab . Can you plse help with the integration of xfab pdk into layouteditor.
Monday 12th October 2020
Hi, first of all you will need a recent release of the LayoutEditor. The installer for xfab PDK was added eariler this year. With the default setup you will then have a menu item within the LayoutEdiotr for the xfab tools under mainmenu/utilities/technology/xfab. Call the installer and point to the tar.gz suppliered by xfab. For Windows systems you will need to convert the tar.gz file in the first step on a Linux system. A script for that step is part of the xfab tools as well. The PDK will not run on MacOSX systems. In case the menu items for xfab inside the LayoutEditor are missing, please check you setup. In the setup window under macro/macro_directory it should be included the path like layout/installation/path/layout/macros. For Linux system this is usually */opt/layout/macros*. After adjusting this path and calling mainmenu/utilities/macros/update_macros the xfab tools should appear in the menu.
Monday 12th October 2020
Which path do i need to keep the downloaded tar file from xfab and how to call the installer and from where ? I'm using the full paid version of layout editor.
Tuesday 13th October 2020
(only for registered users)



After calling the Installer script inside the LayoutEditor package a file dialog will pop up to select the package/location of the tar.gz file: ![screen1.png](/api/img.php?thread=20201012-145a&file=screen1.png) ![screen2.png](/api/img.php?thread=20201012-145a&file=screen2.png)