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Area calculation in a macro

Monday 26th August 2019
I want to calculate the area of specific cells and save the value as a text file, by using macro. Do I have to use shortcut key(Ctrl + 2), and copy to text by hand every time?
Monday 26th August 2019
That can be done in a macro. The code will look like: ```cpp double areaLayer=layout->drawing->currentCell->areaLayer(1); double areaSelected=layout->drawing->currentCell->areaSelect(); // conversion factor area databseuntis to µm² double factor=layout->drawing->databaseunits*layout->drawing->databaseunits*1000000*1000000; string areaLayerString, areaSelectedString; areaLayerString=areaLayerString.setNum(areaLayer*factor,6) + " µm²"; areaSelectedString=areaSelectedString.setNum(areaSelected*factor,6) + " µm²"; string s="area of layer 1 is "+areaLayerString+"\r\n"; s+="area of selected shapes is "+areaSelectedString+"\r\n"; file f; f.filename="/home/username/area.txt";; //open for output f.write(s); f.close(); ``` The feature *selected area* (Ctrl + 2) will display the value on the screen., but did not make it available within the macro. So please the macro command `cell::areaSelect();`.