Tuesday 19th March 2019
In the Python API, I think there is a bug with the "toPolygonSelect()" method from the cell objects. When you do that to elements, new elements are created instead of converting them in place.
For instance :
import LayoutScript as lsc
layout = lsc.project.newLayout()
topcell = layout.drawing.currentCell
topcell.cellName = "TOP"
layer1 = 1
layer100 = 100
box_polygon_element = topcell.addBox(-250, 750, 500, 750, layer1)
print(box_polygon_element.getPoints().size()) # This returns 2 since it is a box
print(box_polygon_element.getPoints().size()) # This returns 0
In a above code, since there is only one element, it is easy to find the new element and assign it back to `box_polygon_element`. However, when there is already a lot of element, this become very hard to do.
For now, to avoid this problem, I move the elements on a new layer before doing the conversion, I move them back afterward and then reasign them. It works, but it is quite inelegant.
Thanks for your help!
Jürgen LayoutEditorFull Wednesday 20th March 2019
Hi Guillaume,
that is not a bug, that's the intended behavior. With the line topcell.addBox(...); you will get a box object. The conversion will replace the box object with a polygon object, the box object is no longer valid and any access to it will result in a null.
In general you should not store any shape elements for later reuse. Many features like *undo* or *group* will make these pointers invalid. The *element* class should only use in the way: create/pick the element and directly do the required modification/selection.
Friday 22nd March 2019
Hello Jürgen,
Thanks for the reply!! I understand the API a bit better now.
The intended behavior is a bit off, because after the `toPolygonSelect()` the `box_polygon_element` variable is still of type `LayoutScript.element` instead of `NoneType`.
print(type(box_polygon_element)) # This returns: < class 'LayoutScript.element' > instead of < class 'NoneType' >
This explain a bit where my confusion about element objects comes from.
My problem with the conversion from box to polygon comes from the fact that I need to get a 5 points `pointArray` object to perform boolean operations (with the `booleanHandler` methods that starts with "perform"). To do the conversion right now, I do the following :
box_polygon_element.selectAll() # The box is on layer 1
topcell.moveToLayerSelect(layer100) # The layer 100 is empty
box_polygon_element = topcell.selectedElement(None) # Get the reference back
## Perform the boolean operation using the box_polygon_element.getPoints() method
I'm trying to show other users how to use the Python API and I find this code a bit confusing. Is-there a method to get the newest element created? Otherwise, it would be useful to have a method to get the converted elements a bit like the `booleanHandler.getResultingPolygon()` method. Another solution to the box/boolean problem would be to have a method for boxes that returns a `pointArray` as if it was a polygon. I know I can do that myself with a simple function, but I think that would be a useful addition to the LayoutEditor API.
Thanks again!
Jürgen LayoutEditorFull Sunday 24th March 2019
Hi Guillaume,
I understand. The *print* effect is due to the python interface generation and cannot be avoided.
A code with the same effect can be made shorter:
layout.booleanTool.setA() #selected elements will be added to the boolean tool
To make it even simpler we will add these methods with the next update of the LayoutEditor:
void booleanHandler::addA(rect r);
void booleanHandler::addB(rect r);
void booleanHandler::addA(element *e);
void booleanHandler::addB(element *e);
So you can use with the next update:
#or alternative
You are welcome!
Monday 25th March 2019
Oh! Yes. The code will be a lot cleaner with those new methods.
Thanks again for your help!