User LayoutEditorFull Tuesday 19th June 2018
How can I create a technology file? If I used “Generate Technology Macro”, the file is created, but I can only save WITHOUT extension. The saved file cannot be found at “Import Layer Settings” because there is no extension.
Jürgen LayoutEditorFull Tuesday 19th June 2018
"Generate Technology Macro" will create the macro in the build-in text editor. You should be able to store it under any name/extension you like. The extension '.layout' should be the preferred extension for macros. To execute the macro you just need to press the *exec* button within the text editor.
The 'Import Layer Setting' feature is only to import layer setting from other tools. Macros cannot be executed with this feature.
User LayoutEditorFull Thursday 11th October 2018
I am trying to create a technology (file?) from paper sources.
I would like to know how a full technology setup can be created and auto-loaded (or manually if need be). I see how to create a "macro" for layers definition (which has no datatype however) but what about the extraction, "connect" and so on? Where is that supposed to sit? Is there any documentation of the process of creating "technology files" (or, what is used instead, in all aspects of technology as pertains to layout and verification)?
Jürgen LayoutEditorFull Thursday 11th October 2018
The "Generate Technology Macro" feature will also create connectivity setup and datatype mapping if used in the current setup. So create some connectivity by hand and have a look to the created macro. Any command used in the macro is documented in the scripting section of the documentation. Layers/connectivity setting is done with the classes layers and layer. Its documentation is here:
On LayoutEditor start always the last layer setting are restored. To ensure to get always the same setting on program start you can set an autostart macro within the setup dialog of the LayoutEditor.
User LayoutEditorFull Thursday 11th October 2018
Let's start with the head of the snake. I suspect this will be different in Windows than Linux.
If I want to have N projects and these use variously one of M technologies (present day, N=M=1, but humor me), how can I launch layouteditor (and schematiceditor) such that this consistent invocation of appropriate macro-chain happens? Would this be some combo of "Start In" and -arguments, as properties to a "shortcut" and its command line? Or is there somehow a use of Windows system variables (the norm in Linux and Cadence) that drives an autoloads chain? I want the system to "shake the Etch-a-Sketch" and force-load everything about the local project and technology, reference libraries, all of it (have some issues with another design system that stores some project specific stuff in the Registry, and if I hop over to another project I get stale layers still attached and so on, unless I manually do a reset / close and reload).
Is it generally true that technology setup details have to be done by macros and that there is no real GUI access?
Jürgen LayoutEditorFull Friday 12th October 2018
Anything you can do with a macro can be done with the GUI as well. For you application i would recommend to use the *bundle* file format. That is a set of files with a macro doing the layer/conectivity setup and load the gds and schematic which is store next to the macro.
User LayoutEditorFull Tuesday 30th April 2019
"Can", OK. "How?" is what I'm struggling with. Can you give me a more detailed reply to the startup-chain questions, starting from pre-existing externalities (shell variables, default search locations and searched-for items that should be there)?
I'm straddling Win10 and Linux so both would be helpful. A "design project setup guide" and "technology setup guide" are what I'm after.
User LayoutEditorFull Tuesday 30th April 2019
Jürgen LayoutEditorFull Tuesday 30th April 2019
The LayoutEditor is a full graphical user application. Anything can be setup within the user interface. There is no need to adjust any shell variable and for a startup-chain to get the correct layer setup. The layer setting can be set manual or imported by a macro and several 3rd party format any time form the user interface.
Shell variables and system paths in the file system are only important to get extension of OpenAccess (like PyCell) running.