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DRC questions

Monday 17th May 2021
The current Minimum Distance or Overlap Feature would be much more useful if in it you could specify different distances for the minimum distance and the overlap. Is there any way to implement this in the future (or another way to do it currently)? Overlap can also cause me headaches on comb regions. Currently this fills the violation list if I simply use overlap as is on a design so I end up disabling the check in my macro. For example, if I have an array of comb fingers that are anchored to a large feature where the comb fingers are narrower than the required overlap into the large feature, in this scenario the comb fingers are completely enclosed but an overlap is required into the large anchor area. Is there a possibility of adding an option to ignore the overlap error if the feature is narrower than the required overlap (i.e. fully enclosed)?
Monday 17th May 2021
I think I have not fully understood your issue. The Minimum Distance or Overlap does check the minimum distance of one to another layer and only mark this as violation if the two layers do not overlap. This overlap is independent of any overlapping distance. So if you need to check the amount of overlap as well just call Minimum Overlap afterwards with the same layers and you have two value to check for the distance and the overlap.
Monday 17th May 2021
Thanks - I had misinterpreted how the Minimum Distance or Overlap function worked. Makes sense. Any response on the second paragraph, where overlap does not reach minimum value as it fully covers areas of the second layer that are narrower than the required overlap?
Monday 17th May 2021
The second item you mentioned needs to be review more detailed and check whether such an option would be possible. As a workaround I would recommend to use the no-drc function for the moment. You can define a layer where in its shapes no drc checks are made or more exact any listed violation will be removed from the list.