Support Forum

Open GDS with a double click in the Windwos file manager

Tuesday 20th August 2019
(only for registered users)


I use the latest Release 20190820 on a Windows system. So when I open a GDS file I get a second window as seen in the attached image. When I close this window layout editor also closes. This did not happen in the Release 20190108. ![screenshot.png](/api/img.php?thread=20190820-a8dd&file=screenshot.png)
Tuesday 20th August 2019
please adjust the GDS file extension linkage of your Windows installation. You now open a GDS with the installPath/LayoutEditor/bin/layout.exe application, but it should be installationPath/LayoutEditor/layout.bat to avoid this windows and to make OpenAccess file format work. On most Windows systems you do that with a right click in the GDS file choose properties menu item and adjust 'open with' to layout.bat instead of layout.exe Alternatively you can just minimize the console window.